Legal Aid Family Lawyers Calgary

Legal Line Legal Line is a federal not-for-profit organization that provides access to the laws under which Canadians are governed. It is a searchable database of Canadian laws that provides answers in 40 major jurisdictions in 107 languages. It also offers a hotline that provides pre-recorded answers to common legal questions and live help from subject matter experts. Please note that legal aid is limited and may not cover issues related to family property. Legal aid is not free of charge. You must enter into an agreement to reimburse the attorneys` fees owed to LAA. Canadian Bar Association – Alberta Branch (CBA Alberta) The CBA is Canada`s largest professional association of lawyers. It provides professional development and networking opportunities for Alberta lawyers. CBA Alberta is not the professional regulator of lawyers in Alberta.

Student Legal Services – Edmonton Student Legal Services is a student-run organization that helps low-income people in the Edmonton area understand and resolve their legal problems. He can assist in criminal, civil and family law, among others. LawNow LawNow Magazine is published by the Centre for Public Legal Education of Alberta six times a year. It provides credible legal information, interpretations and commentary to help Canadians make critical decisions about their professional and personal lives and make meaningful and effective contributions to the democratic life of their communities and countries. Duty counsel assists unrepresented individuals when they appear in court and may provide limited basic legal services. Depending on the situation, the public defender may speak to the court on your behalf. There are no financial eligibility criteria for duty counsel assistance. It is free for all Albertans.

If you need full representation by a lawyer for the rest of your case, the public defender may suggest that you apply for legal aid or hire a lawyer in a private capacity. A family consists of the applicant, their spouse and any dependents, such as children or a spouse. Women`s Centre Legal Counselling Clinic Volunteer lawyers offer free half-hour legal advice sessions for women. These meetings are intended to provide a starting point for access to the legal system. The clinics deal with family, civil, immigration and other types of law, but not criminal law. All women are welcome; Required dates. Contact LAA as soon as possible to determine if you are eligible for coverage. Legal Aid Alberta provides high-quality, effective legal advice and representation that enables eligible Albertans to resolve their legal problems.

The terms and conditions can be found on the website. It is an independent, publicly funded, not-for-profit organization that provides a wide range of services in the following areas: Duty counsel are lawyers who advise you before your hearing. You will speak to the court if you are not represented. The Public Advocate may provide limited services and may suggest that you hire a private lawyer or seek help from Legal Aid Alberta when you first appear in court. There are no financial barriers to eligibility for duty counsel support. This is a free community service for all Albertans. If you want to apply to the Court of King`s Bench in Edmonton or Calgary, you must go to the Court of the King`s Bench Family List, where the presiding judge will determine the next step in resolving your legal issues. A duty counsel is at your disposal.

The Edmonton Community Legal Centre is a not-for-profit organization that provides free legal information, advice and representation to low-income people in the Edmonton area. The centre assists individuals and families with legal problems in the following areas: landlords and tenants; unfair employment/dismissal; small claims; income support advocacy; Human rights; Debt; Immigration. The Centre offers an income support program to assist eligible applicants in accessing the following income benefit programs: Support for Independent Independence (SFI), Guaranteed Income for Persons with Severe Disabilities (AISH), Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and CPP Disability and Retirement Security (OAS). For more information, call 780-702-1725. Student Legal Assistance (SLA) is a University of Calgary law students` association that provides free year-round legal advice and representation to University of Calgary students and members of the public who cannot afford legal services. Our services include: representing qualified individuals before the Provincial Court for criminal, highway, family and civil matters in Calgary, Banff and surrounding areas; providing legal advice and services to the Calgary Drop In Centre; help students use their studies; and summary legal advice. A small withdrawal fee applies to non-University of Calgary students. Lethbridge Legal Guidance provides free legal aid, information and advocacy to people in financial difficulty who need legal services and representation and are not eligible for legal aid.